ILUNION Hotels Quality and Accessibility Policy

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ILUNION Hotels Quality and Accessibility Policy


ILUNION Hotels wants to provide to its clients a unique service which distinguishes it from its competitors and which constitutes its principal competitive advantage. Accordingly, conscious of the continuous evolution of the demands within the tourism sector and of the importance of ensuring the maximum satisfaction of its clients/users by providing them with services in conformity with their needs and expectations, ILUNION Hotels is committed to the incorporation of aspects related to universal accessibility, sustainable development, environmental respect and the conservation of our surroundings into its processes. The Management Board shall allocate the resources, both human as well as material resources that may be necessary for the development and deployment of this Corporate Policy within the organisation.

The directives that result from this Corporate Policy may be summarised under the following general principles and objectives:

1. Provide a service that satisfies both internal as well as external clients, and accordingly it is necessary that we not only attend to and satisfy their needs, but rather that we must be capable of also satisfying their expectations, by means of the permanent contact with our clients that allows us to evaluate their perception of our services, in order to continually improve our services.

2. Have the necessary flexibility in order to foresee and resolve any possible service incidents, resolving the same with a clear orientation toward service, information and, as the case may be, client assistance.

3. Establish the necessary mechanisms in order to manage all of the processes and to allow for the improvement thereof by means of feedback that generates a continuous improvement in respect of our environmental management, quality management and services accessibility.

4. Promote the learning of the management, operational, environmental and accessibility processes by means of the adaptation and continued improvement thereof. Contributing to the communication, raising of awareness and participation of all of the agents related to ILUNION Hotels (employees, clients, collaborators, suppliers and the general society).

5. Ensure profitability and costs optimisation.

6. Improve social wellbeing by contributing to the prosperity and sustainable development of the communities where we operate, promoting social integration, creating dignified and justly remunerated jobs, creating accessible surroundings that improve the performance of employees, and enhancing the quality of life of users with functional limitations as well as the service to clients.

7. Promote team work by means of internal communication and encourage the creation of inter-departmental teams.

8. Comply with all applicable aspects of current legislation (tourism, accessibility and environmental legislation) as well as with the requirements of our clients, the DALCO accessibility requirements, the regulatory, operational and profitability requirements, as well as any other requirements to which the company may be subject.

9. Prevent and minimise any possible negative effects that our corporate activities may cause to the environment, by means of the rationalisation of the use of resources, the minimisation of the contaminating emissions as well as of waste production. Being actively involved in the sustainable development of environment.

10. Promote the sustainable growth of the society which we serve in an efficient and responsible manner, permanently applying the values of the pursuit of excellence and respect for human rights.

These basic principles are set out and enhanced by way of specific quality, accessibility and environmental objectives which are periodically evaluated in order to verify the compliance thereof and so as to establish the measures necessary in the event that compliance therewith may be threatened.

The Management System developed by ILUNION Hotels is based upon the strict application and observance of the directives contained in the Management Manual and in the documents attached thereto.

The directives set out in the documentation of the Management System are binding at all levels of the organization. It is necessary that this Corporate Policy is known and understood and that everyone participates in the implementation thereof, in order that we are able to satisfy our mission statement and achieve our objectives.